TOPIC: Pentecost


The influence of the Holy Ghost must bring a radical change in our lives
I’ve come to realize that no human being ever met Jesus Christ twice over the same problem before it was solved. Therefore, I started weeping, mourning, and crying that if I also should be filled with the Holy Spirit, then it behooves me that I should never meet anybody twice on the same problem. If you are filled with the all-knowing Spirit, why these struggles? We can’t keep on deceiving ourselves that we are filled with the Holy Spirit and there is no effect in our vicinities, localities, workplaces, and families. I refuse to be like you. When Peter and John stood before the Sanhedrin, they took note of them that they were unlearned but had been with Jesus. What was the reflector?

Some acts of the Holy Ghost through Apostle F. D. Walker
I recently got hold of a book published about Apostle F. D. Walker. In it, there is a part about a time when he was ministering at Sunyani. He saw a hunchback and told him to stand up and the person stood up and his back was healed.

At another time in Liberia, the fisherfolk went to sea and came back with nothing. He then marched them to the seashore and, the day after, they came back with a haul more than one month’s worth. Then I said, “Yes, this is Pentecost.”

In another instance, he was travelling and encountered a car that had been involved in an accident. It had crashed into a bridge and the river had drowned many of the passengers, including the son of a woman. He asked the woman what the problem was and she said the river had swallowed her child. He shouted, “River, have you given birth before to take somebody’s child?” Suddenly, the child that had drowned for over three hours surfaced on the river, breathing.

I just want to whet your appetite for the power of the Hoy Ghost.

An encounter in the operating theater
In February this year, I had a spinal surgery in Togo. We had fasted for one month, held all-nights for one month and then from the first to the seventh we held a program. On the eighth, after some scans and MRIs, it was detected that about three segments of my spine were missing. When they took me to the theater, they said it would take eight hours and that it was 50-50. Immediately they put me to sleep, some invisible presence filled the theater. The first intruders were a choir from on high. There are times and seasons in which divinity interacts with finiteness.

His awesome presence at a crusade
I was preaching at a crusade when I said Jesus was the supreme power and that we can do the things he did. On such a platform, anything you do will be resisted. Some people who were going to bury a corpse drove to the crusade grounds, dropped the body there and left.

I want to whet someone’s appetite for the power of the Holy Ghost. Anytime I cross the border, I don’t have meetings involving less than 5,000. If you don’t have guts, you dare not organize such meetings.

I stopped the preaching but while the meeting was going on, there were some people consulting at a nearby shrine. Under the direction of the Holy Ghost, I told them to stop what they were doing and come and see what was happening at the crusade grounds. I asked them to put the corpse in a chair. Then I asked for his name. He was about 35 years old. I told everybody to look at the time. I said, “If this takes more than five minutes, it was not the doing of the Lord.” I told the corpse, “You are a lazy man! After your parents have looked after you all this while, are you now going to leave them when it is time to also look after them? Come on, get up!” He revived.

I didn’t need to preach at that crusade; people just came and accepted Christ. The following morning, without hearing one word preached, everybody got baptized. As I speak to you now, they have built a big CoP church building and there is not one idol worshipper in the town.

A vision
I found myself among the prophets in the Bible. Among them, I met Papa Joel. He said, “Look at the youth of today. What matters most in life, they have neglected it—the Spirit of God.” The Spirit has said in the last days he will pour out on all flesh. I saw the earth, filled with people moving helter-skelter about nothing. This happened over a period of three to four hours. I perceived that we are chasing after the wrong things in this life. After that encounter, I have died to the things of this world. When I see people I feel like crying for them for I have seen what gives fulfilment in life.

Joel said the devil is on rampage and the children of God are chasing after worldly things. He said about social media that the kind of pictures people are posting are mostly fake. Don’t you know we came with nothing and will leave with nothing?

We must long for the enduement from on high
Read Luke 24:49 and Acts 2:4-7.

When the Spirit comes, you start speaking and then you move to another level. There are times when the wisdom of men makes us satisfied with the lesser things of God but we should move beyond that.

When the Spirit comes upon you, you become a living wonder (Acts 2:6).

An encounter in the operating theater, continued
While the operation was ongoing, the operating team asked two elders who were with me, “Who are those singing?” In less than four hours, the operation was over. They brought me to the ward. The following day, the lead surgeon came to me and said he wanted to try something. Miraculously, I was able to walk.

I saw myself at a a crusade where I was performing extraordinary miracles that made people ask, “Who is this man?” The operating team began vising me at home, asking, “Who are you?”

MAIN REFERENCES: Luke 24:49, Acts 2:4-7
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