TOPIC: Manifestation of the Pentecost

Manifestation of the Pentecost

Read 1 Corinthians 2:10-13.

With all theological protocols observed, I want to look at the Acts of the Apostles as the Acts of the Holy Ghost—maybe the Holy Ghost working through the apostles. The Day of Pentecost was a fulfillment of a prophecy from Jesus himself. It was the day the church was manifested to the world. God translated the church from a prophetic community.

Preview of Pentecost
God called his servant Moses and told him he was going to scoop his anointing upon 70 men. Today, may the graces of the five-fold ministry be transferred upon someone. Joshua was concerned about it but Moses replied in Numbers 11:29 that he wished all the Lord’s people were prophets.

In 1 Corinthians 13:1, Paul calls it the tongues of angels. On the day of Pentecost there were two reactions. One group was receptive while the other was resistant. The Bible says we shouldn’t quench the Spirit. We quench the spirit when there is sin (Satan in nature); we quench the Spirit when we make mockery of the fresh move of God. For example, one day Jesus turned water into wine and the people rejoiced in amazement but when the Holy Ghost came and the people were filled, they mocked and considered them as mad men.

Pentecost will cause shifts in our lives
Power is not power until it causes a shift. I can see shiftings all over the atmosphere. When there is a shifting, the old gives way to the new. We have been given the Spirit without measure.

In Mark 7:37 they said Jesus had made all things beautiful. There is restoration in the spirit and the glory Eden that was lost is being restored. When the Holy Ghost came, there was restoration. The glory of the latter house will surpass that of the former. Everything the church lost in the garden of Eden is being restored. In Genesis 11 there was confusion of language but in Acts 2, all of a sudden, when the Holy Ghost came, there was restoration what God has said is coming down. If there is any confinement and stoppage, I declare by the leading of the holy Ghost that you are breaking through.

God can use a seemingly crazy plan to achieve his purpose
In the days of Paul the apostle, there were Greek orators who followed established conventions. They spoke in the style of Greek rhetoric and these were to charm and entertain the hearers. Paul, the doyen of the apostles, a well-educated rabbi who studied under Gamaliel and spoke koine Greek, Aramaic, and Latin said, “When I came, I came not with enchanting words and excellency of speech but I came declaring Christ.” Sometimes, God is not to be understood but believed. Otherwise, how can a rod cause the sea to divide? So, this week, as we commence this program, may God use a plan that looks crazy to achieve a purpose.

One day I saw David to against a giant but God’s plan was to use a sling that was meant for birds to take down the giant. He used a stammerer, Moses, to deliver the whole nation of Israel.

Kings of the earth came to the prophet and said, “Our animals are dying.” If a king comes to you with a problem, you may try to be nice but the prophet asked for minstrel and, as the minstrel ministered, the Spirit of the Lord begam to move and there was a prophecy.

God is about to use ordinary men and women to achieve his purpose.

Power is not power until it causes a shift. The shift will follow you home and to work. You dare not do ministry without the Pentecost. You dare not be in that high office until you have the Pentecost. Jesus told them to tarry until they were endued with power form on high.

The areas of shifting
1. Perception
The things we see must be given a different report. God looked at darkness and said, “Let there be light.” Jesus looked at the dead Lazarus and said, “Lazarus, come forth.” Jesus saw a leper and didn’t day let’s try the leprosarium or the hospital but he said, “Leper, be clean.” The way you look at things must change. Readdress issues. Fear and faith have the same definition. In both faith and fear, things that do not exist are called real.

2. Prayer
We need to shift in our prayer. We need to pray for the little things and the big things. Prayer will release Peter from prison. It will break the chains. It will bring heaven on earth. Pray until Acts 4 is visited. Show me a praying church and I will show you where kings are birthed. May the Pentecost shift our prayer.

3. Praise
Pentecost shifts our praise. Iron sharpens iron. Bad association corrupts good character. There is such a thing as infectious praise.

And as we praise, let us not lack testimonies. Let dead Dorcas come back alive. When you sit by a good person, his blessing is transferred to you. May the infectious praise be transferred from one person to another.

I see the Pentecost coming back. I see your healing being restored. I see the financial blessing coming back to God’s church. I see your blessing coming. I see the anointing coming.

4. Place
Don’t wait until God takes you where he is taking you. Change the way you walk. May the Lord change your place, and if you believe, your place is changing.

5. Property
They had enough until none lacked. God gave them a financial outbreak. You shall not lack. Today is your last day—may you threaten poverty. Poverty is not part of you because Pentecost, which comes with plenty cost. Anointing without finances is annoyance. May the Lord restore the years the cankerworm and the palmerworm have eaten. We declare a shift.

6. Palm power
Pentecost will shift your palm power. Your hands will be tools for healing. Your palm shall be a tool of God.

7. Pressure
It will shift your pressure. One day, Pentecost came upon Joshua and while he was fighting, the sun was going down. He shifted his focus and looked up to God. He then commanded the sun to stand still. You have cried too much but the time of pain is over. May he transfer you from pain to praise. If time is against you may the sun stand still.

8. Presence
Pentecost will change your presence. Pentecost must not only affect our spirits but every aspect of our lives.


MAIN REFERENCES: 1 Corinthians 2:10-13
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