TOPIC: Peter continued knocking

Peter continued knocking

Read Acts 12:16.

There are two basic ordinances in our lives as Christians (and Pentecostals). These ordinances were ordained by the Lord Jesus himself for us to practice. They are water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Water baptism symbolizes the Christian life begun while the Lord’s Supper symbolizes the Christian life continued. Water baptism is done once and for all but the Lord’s Supper is done continually and it serves as a spiritual barometer by which we can examine ourselves to see if we are still in the faith.

Read Acts 12:1.

This story is a symbol of the Christian life. When you look at how Herod and the world were treating the Christians, you may ask, “Where was our God?” Herod killed James, the brother of John and, since it pleased the Jews, he went on to arrest Peter too. Some of us, if not all, have at one time or the other asked why God would allow certain things to come into our lives but when you read to the end of the story, you know that that in the end we win.

The church has always been persecuted. I wonder how many of us, if we knew that from the beginning, would have joined. The world hates the church so we should have this at the back of our minds.

The church is an army. It is not a playground but a battleground. From the birth of the church, even before it was outdoored, Jesus spoke about the church together with conflict. He said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The system of the world is against the church but we should not be shaken. As Jesus said, “If they hated me, they will hate you” so we should not be surprised by this opposition.

Herod killed James. The James who was killed was the first of the apostles to be martyred. Interestingly, his brother John was the last of the apostles to be killed. This means that God has a different plan for each one of us. God does not treat us equally but he treats us fairly. Our salvation in Christ is the one thing that binds us together so when you see a sister or brother being treated differently than you, it is not because God loves them more but that he has different plans for both of you. Don’t be discouraged by that. Know that your time is coming.

Even though James was killed, God gave us another James. God raised this James who was the brother of Jesus as another apostle who led the church. So, if God takes something of value form you, be sure he will give you something else. But the second James will not be the same as the first.

The timing of the persecution is interesting. As the church was growing strong, Satan attacked. When the church is vulnerable too, he attacks (Acts 11:27).

Herod put Peter in prison and guarded him with four squads of soldiers intending to kill him after Passover. Earnest prayer was made for Peter by the church. That means we should pray for our leaders.

Even in his miraculous intervention, God makes us play a part, however small. Peter was sleeping between two soldiers so the angel standing by him struck him on the side to wake him up. His chains fell off and the angel asked him to dress up, put on his sandals, and follow him. Peter did just as the angel said. We need to obey the Lord every step of the way.

When the angel left Peter, Peter went to the place where the saints were praying. When he knocked on the door, a girl called Rhoda came to peep through the door and saw him. When she did, she ran back to the disciples to tell them that Peter was at the door but they did not believe her. They thought she was mad or perhaps it was Peter’s ghost but Peter kept knocking. Peter did not give up—he kept knocking.

Maybe you are going through an iron gate—a difficult and complex situation God is taking you through. Somebody who should open the gate will frustrate you but keep knocking. Don’t walk away in anger. Continue to knock. Don’t give up. Keep trusting God and persevere. Keep winning souls and sharing the gospel. By all means, that door to your business, marriage, and dream job, and everything you have been praying for will open. Just keep knocking.

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