TOPIC: Soldier, arise for divine sustenance to continue the battle

Soldier, arise for divine sustenance to continue the battle

Let us not grow weary
The vicissitudes of this life may cause us to become weary in the Christian walk. Elijah had stood for God in a time when people were fleeing and giving up and prophets were hiding in caves. He pronounced judgement on Israel, causing a drought for thee and half years. After that, he called for a contest between the true God and Baal. Afterwards, he singlehandedly slew the prophets of Baal and caused a revival in the nation. This should inspire us to stand for God in a time of thick darkness.

Then he interceded for the rains to come down. After that, under the unction of God, he outrun the chariots of Ahab to Jezreel. Yet, after all these, Elijah panicked when he was threatened by Jezebel and fled for his life.

The enemy of our souls roars like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. He wants to weaken our trust in God. Elijah prayed for God to take his life but this was just the voice of despondency.

God provides sufficient grace in times of need
The issues that face us are common to men but God grants us grace to stand. We shouldn’t feel as though we are the only ones in some strange predicament. James says we should count it as a privilege to be counted worthy to suffer for the Lord.

God knows the material with which we were created. While lying down to rest from his troubles, Elijah had a ministration from angels. They encouraged him to arise and eat and go on the journey. Elijah was revived by that meal and traveled for forty days and forty nights on its strength.

We serve as the angels of God who bring comfort and help to others in time of need.

Despondency often comes with a defeated and backslidden life. When you find your zeal drifting, arise and come back to the place of faith and confidence in God.

Just as bread and drink was provided to Elijah, after the resurrection, Jesus provided bread and fish to the disciples who had lost focus. We have a God who provides. After the meal, Jesus restored Peter who had abandoned the call back into the ministry.

Elijah ate the food and slept again but the angel woke him up again and told him to eat some more so he could perform the task ahead. God’s provision is sufficient to meet our every need. No matter what you are going through, he provides sufficient grace. Elijah was sustained by this meal for forty days and forty nights.

Five applications
1. Whatever need you have in your life, God has enough grace to meet it.
2. Arise and eat. Appropriate God’s provision in his word.
3. Shed the notion of “I have seen it all.” Move on in God’s power and grace.
4. There are more lands and territories to overcome. Get up and go further. Launch out into the deep for God has great depths for you.
5. Remember there is an Elisha to be trained or imparted for the next generation.

MAIN REFERENCES: Main reference 1 Kings 19:1-8
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