TOPIC: Take action in faith

Take action in faith

“Finish the work now” can be interpreted as a directive or instruction from God. It could also be seen as a prophetic word from heaven telling us to complete the work. Regardless of how you receive it, it requires action from you—action in faith. The bridge between the spoken word and the response we want to see is the action of faith. Therefore, this morning I speak on “Take action in faith.”

I perceive that this word does not only concern this edifice but it is also a time to bring closure to certain things in your life. The waiting has gone on too long. We fail to see the realization of God’s promises because we do not take action but today, I urge you to take action.

Read James 2:17-26.

We have studied and believed God’s word but that is not enough. James says even devils believe that God exists and that belief makes the shudder. However, that belief does not change them. What makes your belief effective is the action you take in response to the word of God.

The proof of your belief in God are the actions you take day by day in response to the word of God. What actions are you ready to take to ensure that this prophetic word we have received comes to pass? In Hebrews 11:6, the writer says without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Read Mark 11:22-24.

If we can act in faith on the word of God, even the impossible will become possible. Believe in your prayer. When you pray, be confident that because you have prayed the results will come.

How to take action in faith
Read Psalm 138:2 and Jeremiah 1:12.

We must take action in response to God’s word. That is what he is committed to fulfill.

From Proverbs 3:5-6 we must ensure that we trust in the Lord with our all.

Don’t only give him a portion of yourself but your all. Depend on him for everything.

Finally, acknowledge the Lord in all your ways. That is when he assists you in all you do.

Our attitude after acting on his word
Often, the challenge we have is the waiting period between our action and the realization of our desire.

Read Psalm 46:10.

In the period of waiting, be patient, still, and calm, believing that your prayer and actions are working.

Align your statements with the actions you have taken. Philippians 4:8 tells us the kinds of things we should think about.

Practice positive confession while you wait.

Don’t neglect the fellowship of the brethren (Hebrews 10:25).

MAIN REFERENCES: James 2:17-26, Mark 11:22-24, Psalm 138:2, Jeremiah 1:12, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 46:10, Philippians 4:8
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