TOPIC: The blood of the eternal covenant

The blood of the eternal covenant

Read Hebrews 13:20-21.

This scripture talks about many things but I’m going to talk about the blood of the eternal covenant because it is with the blood he equips us. All of God’s dealings with men have been through covenants. It has pleased God to arrange it this way so nobody can challenge his authenticity in choosing to do things through mankind.

We are in a covenant with God
The first person to enter a covenant with God was Adam. It was God who initiated this covenant. It was a covenant of works. God said you can eat this but not that. It was based on ifs and buts—conditions—so, on breaking the conditions, you suffered the consequences.

Adam stood in the stead of the human race in that covenant. Hence, whatever Adam agreed, we all agreed and when he broke it, we all did. When God dealt with Noah, it was through a covenant. Similarly, he dealt with Abraham and David through covenants.

How do we know we are in a covenant with God?
The moment you accepted Jesus as Lord and savior, you were accepted into a covenant with Jesus. But this time, it was a covenant of grace. People of covenant don’t lead their lives anyhow. Whatever they say and do is guided by this covenant. If you have not given your life to Jesus, you are under a covenant of works.

In baptism, we set our seal on that covenant and we become part of the church of God. By coming to the table of the breaking of bread, I renew the vow of the covenant. That is when I begin to have a personal intercourse with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. To seal the covenant, I must allow myself to be baptized in water and the Holy Ghost.

The implication is that I cannot pray to God unless I come by the covenant. I am not his child unless I come to him. when I come to him, he accepts my covenant.

Through the covenant by which I give myself to him, I dedicate all that I am and all that I have to him. So, I don’t sit at home and say, “Today I don’t feel like praying or reading my Bible.” You have vowed to give everything of yourself to him. everything you have belongs to God. Many of us are in this covenant but say, “I have given myself to God but he doesn’t have a say in my business.” We pray to him to watch over us when we are travelling and we pray to him to take care of our families but when it comes to our finances, he has no say.

The eternal character of this covenant
The covenant of grace is the oldest of all covenants. The Old Testament is full of covenants but, of all the covenants, the covenant of grace is the oldest. It is the oldest because it is a Trinitarian pact under which the Father said, “Who shall go and save my people?” and the Son gave himself and the Holy Ghost said, “If you go and save them, I will become their comforter.” It was enacted in the corridors of eternity before the foundation of the world.

Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. I was always in his mind; he had already selected and elected me. He chose to love me not because of what I had done but because he loved me.

The covenant of grace has been signed by God the Father; sealed by the Son; and rarified by the Holy Ghost by him indwelling the believer.

The implication is that in this eternal covenant, there are no ifs and buts, only shalls and wills. It deals with God saying, “I shall” and “I will.” God will swear by himself, and the son of God shall fulfill it. I AM will swear it and fulfill it.

In Genesis 22:15-18, the angel of the Lord called to Abraham the second time and said swore by himself. If you are a student of covenants, you know that when God makes some of these statements, he is standing on something.

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. This was something Abraham was willing to do so he passed the test. In our day, many of us are not passing this test. I pray that we don’t fail that test—when God says bring your all, you should say, “Here it is.”

It is when we activate the blood of the eternal covenant that we can possess the nations. In Numbers 23:18-23, the prophet said he had received a command to bless and he could not change it. it means that as long as I don’t live in sin and under the rudiments of the world, and the shout of the king is in my life, it shall be well with me.

2 Corinthians 1:20 says no matter the promises God has made, in Christ they are yes and amen.

Main references
Hebrews 13:20-21, 2 Corinthians 1:20

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