TOPIC: The gloom will not remain forever for Jesus is the light

The gloom will not remain forever for Jesus is the light

In Isaiah 7 two stronger and greater kings, came together to fight against Ahaz, the king of the young nation of Judah. When Ahaz was informed of this plot, he and his elders trembled like trees in the storm but the Lord sent the prophet Isaiah to tell the king that this was not going to happen. Unfortunately, because of this fear, when the man of God Isaiah went to deliver the good news from God, he did not believe it. I want to assure you that no matter how bad things have gone, God is on your side. We need to strengthen ourselves and have faith in God.

Because Ahaz did not believe, God told him to ask for a sign as high as the heavens and as deep as the place of the dead. In our time, the Lord has given us the opportunity to ask for any request in conformity to his will. Yet, Ahaz was still trembling because of how he knew Israel and their ally. His faithlessness precipitated Isaiah’s prophecy. “The Lord himself will give you a sign,” he said. This sign was a virgin giving birth to a son. When the fullness of time came, this prophecy was fulfilled in the birth of the promised son.

Similarly, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his son to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive adoption to sonship (Galatians 4:4-5). As we celebrate Christmas, let us be mindful that Jesus is the light and that, whatever darkness you see, it will not last forever. The assurance is that Jesus, the one whom we are celebrating, is the light that dispels darkness so the gloom will not last forever.

Main references
Isaiah 9:1-2, 6-7, Galatians 4:4-5

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