TOPIC: The Lord’s table—a table of substitution

The Lord’s table—a table of substitution

Jesus always breaks bread for our benefit
Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it. He then gave it to his disciples saying that it was his body that was being broken for many people. The first time Jesus broke bread, he fed a multitude. Anytime he breaks bread, multiplication becomes our portion. If he broke his body for me, what is it that he cannot break? Is it sickness in my body? Is it cancer in the body?

The Lord’s table is an everlasting altar of remembrance
I have observed from scriptures that the Lord’s table is a spiritual altar that Jesus left for the church. Altars don’t die. This altar known as the Lord’s table is always available as a table of remembrance. We remember what the Lord did for us and are assured that he will do it again. We come for an exchange.

The ingredients of the table are divine
The Lord’s table is a spiritual meal made up of the blood of Jesus and his body. It is the only meal that one can eat and have victory all his life. it is the only table instituted 2,000 years ago but is still alive. It is so because the ingredients used on the table are divine. The blood and body are so powerful that they can give life to every dead situation in our lives. If anything about you is dead, after this table it must live.

By the table we overcome
Revelation 12:11 says they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimonies. God gives us overcoming grace when we partake of this table. May the Lord release the garment of overcomers on you as you come to the table.

Our salvation and our admission into glory is by Jesus’ work
A sinner goes through Calvary to become a saint. When Jesus was moved from the cross, he moved to tomb for three days and then he ascended to the right hand of God, interceding for us. The movement of Christ from Calvary to intercession is puzzling. He did it so that he could intercede for us. Why must Christ move from Calvary into intercession? He did that to indicate to you and me that if there is somebody who has gone through Calvary to become a saint who still needs someone to intercede for them to move into glory, he is there. He is still working out our salvation.

We have been justified by the blood
You may say, “Sometimes I come to church and don’t believe that God has forgiven my sins.” That is why Jesus didn’t go to sleep but went into intercession. This table is for us to remember his work. Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross to bring me unending salvation. He has delivered me from sin and its consequences. Thus, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is superior to any other sacrifice. It is superior to any sacrifice made by any of my ancestors and is able to crush any contrary altars.

Because of the table, we shall live
John 6:54 says whoever eats my flesh and drinks by blood has live and I will raise them up on the last day. Thus, every death sentence is abrogated. The work on the cross gives the believer victory over death and gives him life forever.

By the table, we overcome sin
The table helps us overcome sin (1 John 3:8). We cannot go on sinning because we have been born of God and his seed remains in us. When we come to this table, the seed of God in us is watered.

MAIN REFERENCES: Luke 22:13-20, 1 John 3:8
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